Automation Solutions for the Water Treatment Plant
Water treatment plants, while appearing low tech requires proper operational discipline to ensure Smooth & trouble free operation. The basic idea of introducing minimum automation is to reduce Operator dependence and improve monitoring. Auto multiport valves on Filters ensure timely backwash / rinse for the set duration. This keeps the filter media in good condition.
Auto control panels, apart from providing motor protection from overload, single phasing and dry running, also operates the plant based on input from level switches, pressure switches, etc. Automatic flushing of membranes during start & stop of the plant and periodic time based flushing extends life of the membranes. Digital flow totalisers simplify water audit within the plant and makes operators conscious of the water consumption. Digital pH meters & conductivity meters helps in monitoring water quality. Metering pumps with level switches ensures that the plant is not operated without dosing chemicals.